Multi Abilities 1.8.2 Final Released

Multi Abilities 1.8.2 Final Released

Multi Abilities 1.8.2 Final Released


Hello guys, I decided to released the final version for multi abilities which add custom screen effect feature. (options available via the .ini file)

I was planning to implement two more features but could not. I encountered problems while trying to implement them and I fear I might not be able to implement them properly within the year since I have been dealing with work as well as other projects and life so I have decided to discontinue them.

But don’t worry since I also have released my source code for modders to modify and improved if they wish to pick it up. Some of the code of the experimental features are still there within my source code.

You can download the mod here as well as the source code.

Lastly I’m really thankful to you guys who tried , gave feedback and supported my mod it means a lot 🙂 it allowed me to learn new things and improve on what I already know.

Once again thank you guys for everything and see you around. 😀

List of updates – February 25, 2021

List of updates – February 25, 2021

List of updates – February 25, 2021

Mods, Projects

I have been dedicating my time working on my game this past few months it is called “etis Arap” and it is gonna be free. More info can be found here about the project.

Also expect an upcoming update for Multi Abilities to be release somewhere around March 2021.


Multi Abilities 1.8.1 Released Just Now!

Multi Abilities 1.8.1 Released Just Now!

Multi Abilities 1.8.1 Released Just Now!


Hey guy 1.8.1 just released!!

You can get it here or at gta5mods

So I decided to release 1 or 2 more final update after that (my most final update), I would also released the source code for you guys to fiddle with.

I cannot give a exact date when the next update would come out but expect it to arrive within the next 2 -3 months since I’m also working on other projects.

Working on Multi Abilities 1.8.1

Working on Multi Abilities 1.8.1

Working on Multi Abilities 1.8.1


I have managed to recover my source code and currently working on putting out a update for Multi Abilities after that I will also release the source code.


  • Revised code.
  • Added a text indicating what ability is currently active.(configurable)
  • Script Hook V 1.0.2189.0 is required for this mod to run.(I have not tested older versions of Script Hook V)
  • Community Script Hook V .NET 3.1.0 is required(have not tested older versions of Community Script Hook V .NET)

There are some features I’m planning to implement but the above list are for sure gonna be there.

Darkest Dungeon mod I’m working on update for Dec. 2020

Darkest Dungeon mod I’m working on update for Dec. 2020

Darkest Dungeon mod I’m working on update for Dec. 2020


I been working on some of my free time to make this Darkest Dungeon hero mod also since this is a unbalanced/just for fun character hero mod don’t expect any balance here 🙂

What I have in mind is a swordsman or sword-master type of hero. I made some quick skill buttons for this hero concept this past months and here are some of them:

1st skill

A single target skill has above average accuracy at the start, applies a bleed de-buff, Can be use in any position, and can target enemies from position 1 to 2, If upgraded to max this can target up to position 3 and will have great accuracy.

2nd skill

A single target skill has below average accuracy, This can be use only on position 1 or 2, Can target enemies from position 1 or 2 and move that enemy one position backwards. But if upgraded this skill stats and effect increase immensely.

3rd skill

This targets all enemies and shuffles them also has a chance to apply bleed de-buff on them.

List of updates from the past months

List of updates from the past months

List of updates from the past months

Misc, Mods, Projects

Things that happened these past months:

  • Multi Abilities development halted indefinitely since my hard drive broke and I lose all my progress.
  • Began working on a Darkest Dungeon character mod but not much progress since… Will be posting some concept soon here. The information I can give is it’s one of those unbalanced/just for fun character/hero mods.
  • Worked on my spare time making a 2D horror game about Filipino folklore but I put the project on hold for now since the scope was too big for my abilities. I plan on releasing my 1st indie game for free so I decided to halt the project and make a smaller game.

Things that I plan to do this December to January 2021:

  • Make minor updates/revisions on the site.
  • Update my site link on my YouTube channel, GTA5 Mods profile and etc.
  • Prioritize my indie game and post some updates here.

I’m gonna post here as well on GTA5 Mods about Multi Abilities if I’m gonna continue developing it or not (well see next year).

Multi Abilities WIP

Multi Abilities WIP

Multi Abilities WIP


So far I’m currently working on adding a dash feature on Bullet Time for more maneuverability and working on a feature to extend the duration of each ability when killing a ped. Also to reduce the cool-down when killing a ped.

I’m also figuring out how GTA 5 animation works since I’m also planning to add gun take downs in the future if I can get it to work correctly other misc features I’m working on are:

  • custom screen effect(the user can changed the screen color for each ability when it is activated)
  • I’m experimenting on a custom sound effect feature where you can use mp3 files for the sound effect

More updates to come but I’m focusing 1st on the dash and extend duration and reduce cool-down feature.