Minutos To Kill Playable Alpha 0.4 – Power Ups and Mission Selector

Minutos To Kill Playable Alpha 0.4 – Power Ups and Mission Selector

Minutos To Kill Playable Alpha 0.4 – Power Ups and Mission Selector


Major changes

  • changed score to cash to purchase power ups
  • added power ups (will be making adjustments to them)
  • added a mission/job selector where you can select up to 3 random picked job per round

Future Plans

  • More power ups
  • planning to implement a shop in the future and will be pricing the power ups base on how over powered they are
  • planning to implement a small room for the player before they start the mission. where they can select jobs/missions or buy power ups

You can watch the whole change-log video here
Download links for the alpha are available here

Minutos To Kill Playable Alpha 0.3 Available now

Minutos To Kill Playable Alpha 0.3 Available now

Minutos To Kill Playable Alpha 0.3 Available now


Major changes

  • At the start of each round an info will be shown about the total time as well as about what clues are available or not.
  • Revised the target info ui
  • Revise the park area this is to improve AI path finding because game guru path finding does not work well with stairs 🙁

Other changes

  • 20+ to 32 npc’s can now be spawned each round
  • Tried to reduce some path finding issues on some of the map area

Watch it here on Youtube

Download links and more info can be found here